Category Archives: Social Media

The use of social media in education

What is Diigo?

Image representing Diigo as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

This posts introduces Diigo and outlines how the social bookmarking tool, Diigo can be used in the classroom

Whiteway, A. (2009). An evaluation of using diigo.Com with students. Retrieved from

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Twitter in Education

Free twitter badge

Free twitter badge (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There have been numerous blog posts on

10 of the best of ….


50 ways to use ….

So I’ve decided to take a little bit of a different slant on things and produce a video of a slide montage on how twitter is used in all levels of education in Ireland.

I’ve also compiled a Prezi with some more information on Twitter containing a series of tutorial videos on how Twitter can be used in your teaching

As with all of the materials available on this blog they are released under Creative Commons  (CC by SA)

Embedding a twitter hashtag feed into your moodle site

Trying to get students to participate in moodle discussion forums can drive you up the wall.

There are a variety of  techniques that you can use to encourage engagement in the forums but this post may provide an easier solution. There is an old saying (unfortunately I don’t know where it came from, “if you want to catch a fish, go where the fish are”. In this context I interpret that as if you want to get students talking to one another about your subject – go to where they talk. The most obvious place for todays students is through social media. This short video shows you how to embed a hashtag from twitter into your moodle page. So when they talk on twitter about your subject, using the hashtag that you provide, all of their comments on twitter are fed through into your moodle course

In this video you will see the twitter feed being placed as a HTML block on the side of the course. You can also insert the feed as a “label” in a section on the course – the choice is yours

LinkedIn groups

There are  literally 1000’s of groups that you can subscribe to within LinkedIn. The group facility within LinkedIn to the power behind the network. Having access to an unlimited number of people who are interested in specific areas that you are interested in. Wether you want to get advice from other participants, answer questions they may have posted on the forums or just advertise an event that may be relevant – LinkedIn groups is a powerful tool. I subscribe to several groups that you may find interesting. In no particular order of preference: Read the rest of this entry

Why students should use LinkedIn

Linkedin is no the place to post posts about your parties – it is a professional network. It offers huge potential.

related posts: LinkedIn groups relevant to higher education